Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This is The Day!

This is the day, the day I've been waiting for! The day where I will be one with the ocean once more. A place where I find serenity. A place that can be calm one moment, then violent the next. A place full of life! A place where nothing else in the world matters. A place where I can be at peace.

The ocean has provided food to family and friends. Seaweed, fish, He'e and Opihi have been served at my table. I only take a little, just enough. Today I will paddle in search of big game. All I need is one.

I launch my craft into the clear, blue ocean. This is the place I have been dreaming about, the place where I feel at home. I drift out to the smooth, glassy water just inside the reef, but before working my way through the breakers I close my eyes and pray for a safe return.

I time the sets and paddle my way through the opening in the reef. As I head for the open ocean I get a feel for the wind and currents. Light trades are starting to blow from the east, but the low tide will be rising at full speed soon, creating a current that drives from the west. I look for signs of passing rain showers that create down drafts and stir the ocean into a frenzy, but there are none. This is when I make my decision, I'm heading off shore!

I paddle for several miles, looking for signs of life. The birds who usually show me the way are nowhere in sight. I keep paddling as I perfect my form and concentrate on conserving my energy for the long paddle home. Time passes as I drift into a meditative state. My mind clears, I am at peace, and I am alone.

Suddenly, I am awakened by a screaming reel! Hook Up! I take a few hard strokes to set the hook. The line is peeling out of my reel and not slowing down! This is my chance! As I turn my kayak and point toward the fighting fish it starts towing me across the surface, straight out to sea. A wake comes off my bow and the ride is on! I tighten down the drag and give a pull. Suddenly, just as fast as it started, the line goes limp. What happened? It's gone! It looks like I'll have to come back for this one another day.

I reel my line and think about the one that got away. Maybe it's time to start heading in? The sun burns my skin as I sip my water, trying to keep my body hydrated. This is going to be a long, hard paddle against the growing current. I keep reeling when suddenly, my rod is nearly pulled from my hands! My reel is screaming again! I guess the one that got away didn't get away after all, but swam right to me, making the line go slack. I set the hook again and continue the battle. This time the fish is close! A wake is comes off the bow. My back aches as I give it everything I have. It's coming up! Soon, I see a shiny silver mass circling below. I pull harder and it seems to get bigger as it comes closer. It breaks the surface and rolls to its side. I quickly dispatch the fish and tie him off. I got him!

I look at this beautiful fish as it floats along the side of my kayak. Its length is half that of my kayak. The teeth are razor sharp. The neon blue stripes along the shiny silver sides are fading away along with this creature's life. This single fish will provide for my family and friends for many days and will not be wasted.

My challenge is not over yet. I struggle to pull the massive Ono onto the deck. One wrong move will tip me into the ocean along with my fishing gear and valuable drinking water. I manage to bring the fish on board, turning the head to the bow like a hood ornament! I lash him down to the rigging and start the long paddle home. The weight is sinking my bow and creating drag. The current is at full speed, but the building trade winds are at my back and keeping me cool. I keep paddling, breathing, conserving enough energy to finish my voyage. I approach the shallow waters and am greeted by green sea turtles popping their heads above water to see my catch. I make my way through the breakers and approach the smooth, glassy water just inside the reef. A crowd gathers as I pull my boat ashore. I made it!

This was the day I was waiting for. I have returned safely from a place full of life. A place where I was one with the ocean. A place that I have been dreaming about. Once again, the ocean has provided for my family and friends. I am at peace!