Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kayak Fishing Kona

It's been way too long since the last time I've gone fishing! April will be a very busy month with work, but I think I can get at least one day on the water. I'm going to try and plan a trip to Kona, maybe Keauhou or Honaunau? Keauhou is a great place to launch the kayak. It has a small boat ramp in a protected bay so even if the surf is up the launch should be safe. Honaunau is another great spot because the Ono (Wahoo) lane is only a couple hundred yards from shore. Although I've caught some of my biggest fish at Keauhou, I always get lucky at Honaunau. It's a good 3 mile paddle from Honaunau to Ho'okena. Lots of bait around the drop offs and many signs of life. I've ran into some big sharks at Honaunau but they usually mind their own business. A couple years ago I had a HUGE shark charge at my kayak a couple times. The length of the shark from dorsal fin to tail was about as long as my kayak, 13.5 feet! He passed under me close enough to turn my kayak a little, then followed me for about a quarter mile. He eventually went away but still shook me up a bit! That same day I paddled out to Ho'okena. My sonar indicated drop offs from 300-400 feet, 400-500 feet, then the abyss! There were lots of fish stacked up on the bottom so I know this will be a good place to drop some deep jigs. I'm guessing that the Kahala (Amberjack) live there and schools of Ahi (Yellowfin Tuna) and Aku (SkipJack Tuna)breeze through and harass the schools of Opelu.
Hopefully over the next year my son will be strong enough to paddle off shore with me. I can take him in Hilo Bay and do some inshore fishing, but when the wind kicks up I usually end up towing him in. It's only a matter of time before he's stronger than me and one day I may find him towing me in! He loves fishing as much as me and is totally excited when I take him out paddling. He has caught some nice sized Papio (Jacks) and even brought in an excellent eating Uku (Gray Snapper)once! The younger son is not as interested in fishing but still likes to go out once in a while. If he doesn't catch anything in the first 30 or 40 minutes, he's done for the day. He likes "catching", not "fishing"!



  1. Sharks charging the kayak.... great, just finished swapping the stable kayak for the faster tippy kayak, hmmmm not fast enough to out run em'.

  2. No worries...your kayak is faster than mine so you'll leave me behind to run defense!
